The Dwarves series
The novels one to five focus on the dwarf Tungdil Goldhand, a foundling dwarf, raised by a magus and involuntary hero of the Geborgenes Land and his people.
The dwarves have their own comic series, published by SPLITTER, as well as a live adaptation by the band Corvus Corax with narrator Johannes Steck.
From autumn 2021, a new era begins with the double volume THE RETURN OF THE DWARVES.
THE DWARVES (Volume 1)
THE RETURN OF THE DWARVES (double volume), available autumn 2021 (german)

THE DWARVES (Volume 1)
For countless millennia, no man or beast has ever succeeded in breaching the stone gateway into Girdlegard. Until now . . .
Abandoned as a child, Tungdil the blacksmith is the only dwarf in a kingdom of men. But when he is sent out into the world to deliver a message and reacquaint himself with his people, the young foundling finds himself thrust into a battle for which he has not been trained. Not only his own safety, but the life of every man, woman and child in Girdlegard depends upon his ability to embrace his heritage.
Although he has many unanswered questions, Tungdil is certain of one thing: no matter where he was raised, he is a true dwarf.
And no one has ever questioned the courage of the Dwarves.

The dwarves have gone to battle and they have been victorious. But outside the realm, dark forces are working . . .
A secret army of Orcs, made immortal by the hidden powers of the Black Water, now marches towards Girdlegard, set to unleash its fury upon the kingdom. Sooner than they realise, Tungdil and his comrades will need to summon all their courage to do battle against this bloodthirsty horde.
The Orcs are not the only threat. An unspeakable new power is growing and threatens the very existence of the dwarves. But both enemies have forgotten one very important truth: a dwarf is never more dangerous than when total obliteration seems inevitable . . .

Life has not been easy for battle-weary Tungdil the dwarf. But this heroic warrior can’t rest yet, as he must now face the most formidable enemy the kingdom has ever encountered.
A new evil is terrorising the land of Girdlegard. Monstrous hybrid creatures are on the rampage, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. They are out to steal an artefact which is vital for the kingdom’s defence, and whoever holds it could control the world.
With the existence of the dwarves under threat, Tungdil must resort to his trusty double axe and risk everything he knows to save his country from annihilation . . .

For the last time, the dwarves are going to war – and the outcome will decide the fate of their race. There has been no word from the brave warrior Tungdil since the vicious battle at the Black Abyss. Dragons, magicians, and the malevolent älfar have advanced far into the kingdom of Girdlegard, ruthlessly seizing vast areas of land. The dwarves seem to be facing their next battle with little hope of survival.
But then the inexplicable happens. A dwarf dressed in black armour returns from the abyss with a formidable army in tow. He calls himself Tungdil, and for his most loyal friend Ireheart and his allies, this means a new hope. But soon doubts begin to arise . . . Could this really be Tungdil, or is this warrior following his own dark agenda? It is a question of the future of Girdlegard – and the future of all the dwarves.

After decades of occupation by the älfar, the dark elves have been defeated and peace has finally been declared.
But the nations still distrust each other, and when a child is found in the Grey Mountains who speaks the language of the älfar, the dwarves believe this little girl heralds a new threat. And they will be right – just not in the way they thought.
Under the orders of Ireheart, now High King of the dwarves, a small delegation is sent to search for Tungdil Goldhand, the true High King, who many believe dead. Against all odds, Tungdil has survived his mission to the terrifying realm of Phondrasôn. But is he truly the legendary hero of the dwarves, or an impostor at the heart of a deeper conspiracy?
And does he realise that the fiends from Phondrasôn themselves aren’t far behind . . . ?
Wird eine letzte Schlacht geschlagen werden müssen? Und handelt es sich bei dem zurückgekehrten Tungdil tatsächlich um den legendären Helden der Axtschwinger?“
available autumn 2021 (german)
And as a treat:
INTERVIEW with Boïndil Doubleblade!
on the publication of THE REVENGE OF THE DWARVES for Books&Chars magazine at that time
Interviewer (cheerful): Good afternoon, Mr. Doubleblade. It's nice that you had time for us after the exhausting book. The author demanded a lot from you this time.
Boïndil Doubleblade (friendly): Oh, you could say that.
Interviewer (curious): Then let's start right away and talk about the physical stuff. Did you do all the stunts yourself?
BoïndilDoubleblade: Sure! I had already a lot of experience in the books beforehand and knew what to expect. That also applies to Mr. Goldhand. A real pussy was the guy who embodies Rodario. The part with the shaft, for example, he didn't get it right. Fear of heights! (laughs) But if you read the book, you'd think he was on a chain. (takes a sip of water)
Interviewer: Did anything go wrong in the process?
Boïndil Doubleblade: Something always goes wrong, especially in the fight scenes and with high jumps. Try hitting a small target with a heavy weapon while jumping. We didn't see anything of our opponents in some scenes! (waving his arms) The first aid team had their work cut out for them, I can assure you, but fortunately the readers won't notice. And even the magical creatures are not always easy to control, despite all the lessons with the animal trainers. (shows a scar on the right upper arm) This is from a nightmare that was in a bad mood. They snap faster than you can yell. But the pain was worth it. Are some great action scenes in it.
Interviewer: I imagine it's very difficult to maintain friendships with other characters outside of the book.
Boïndil Doubleblade (irritated): You mean after you finish writing?
Interviewer: Yes, something like that. Is there a bar that the reader doesn't know of where people gather for a pint in the evening? Also with the orcs and the other "Riffraff", without wanting to offend the actors?
Boïndil Doubleblade: First of all, beer isn't really my thing. In private, I prefer drinkable cocktails, like a BlackRussian or an AngelFace. But when the book calls for it, I also like to raise several tankards. (laughs) Depending on the mood of the author, you could become an alcoholic. Ask Goldhand what he thinks of Heitz, but take a helmet with you.
(clears throat) To get back to the actual question, yes, there is an establishment, it's a little off the beaten path, and we make sure it's kept off the books. Nudin is excellent parodist and is now working unrecognized in the New Curiosum. This will be a greater career than his existence as a villain, believe me! Do you remember Bramdal Master Blade, the executioner? He actually owns a store for wine and coals. Oh yes, Sinthoras is an excellent singer! If you can manage a little tolerance, the Albae aren't so bad. They're just doing their job, too. Like orcs and trolls.
Interviewer: But not everyone succeeds, as I've heard.
Boïndil Doubleblade: You allude to the brawl between Narmora and Prince Mallen! (becomes more serious) The Tall One provoked the Dark Eye, and I can understand Narmora very well. He deserved the broken bones and lacerations.
Interviewer: This brings me to the topic of love scenes...
Boïndil Doubleblade (waves off): Just stop it!
Interviewer: What for? Do you have a problem with that?
Boïndil Doubleblade: My contract says that I don't have to do sex scenes, and this time I had to insist a lot. Since Heitz has also been writing Dark Suspense, he's become more unpredictable about that. Because I refused, Rodario and Coïra almost had to do it, but we were able to leave it at small nude scenes. (lowers voice) The fact is that a lot of young people will read the book, and explicit pig stuff has no place in it. Basta.
Interviewer: Some critics say that the books are more about action than depth...
Boïndil Doubleblade: I don't want to deny that special effects play a big role again in the latest book. And I don't see myself as a character actor who wants to appear in a chamber piece. My physical presence is required, along with pithy sayings, as befits dwarves. Entertainment and diversion in a beautiful setting, that's what we want to offer our readers. In addition, there are believable scenes with moral dilemmas of the protagonists, poignant despair and much more. The books certainly have depth, without wanting to be Shakespeare.
Interviewer: What strikes me, Mr. Doubleblade, is the discrepancy between your book language and the way you express yourself in this interview. I mean, you know the correct plural of dilemma!
Boïndil Doubleblade: Well, no elf can do that, eh?! (winks) You'd be surprised to see me with Swerd in our disputation club. (laughs)
Interviewer: I've always wanted to know what happens to the characters who get killed doing the books....
Boïndil Doubleblade: They go to heaven.
Interviewer: Are you kidding?!
Boïndil Doubleblade: That's right. Just kidding. I've already hinted at something, but that's all I want to talk about.
Interviewer: Speaking of jokes, there's a joke about a dwarf and an orc that ...
Boïndil Doubleblade: Next question, please.
Interviewer: But the joke...
Boïndil Doubleblade: NEXT QUESTION, I SAID!!!!!
Interviewer (searching frantically in his files): Will there be a fifth volume?
Boïndil Doubleblade: I haven't been offered a contract yet. Either there won't be one or it will take place without me.
Interviewer: Which would be a pity, when I think of your many fans.
Boïndil Doubleblade: That's the way the book business is. Zack, you get written out. In my opinion, the authors have too much power anyway. A trade union should be formed that would put a stop to the writers' fantasies of omnipotence. Without the intervention of the fans, many more of us would no longer have jobs, that's for sure.
The other day I was talking with a dear colleague, Valyakov or something like that. Different setting, but also a Heitz world. The poor guy had learned after the fact that he almost died in the sixth volume! Imagine that! You go into a fight and suddenly the arrow hits fatally! But a woman interceded, and that's why he kept the part.
Interviewer: You brought us some outtakes with the author's permission.
Boïndil Doubleblade: Yes, a few tidbits to get you in the mood and to prove that even in a book, not every scene works right away. (grin)
Interviewer: Then I'll ask the director to show the scenes. You're welcome to comment, Mr. Doubleblade.
The revenge of the dwarves, Prologue, Take 4
(…) "Something hissed from the right, bored through his muzzle and shattered the long, thin upper jaw, adding to his agony. His yelps grew louder and ended abruptly as a dozen arrows flew at once from various directions, spiking him.
Then he laughed uproariously and jumped around panting because one of the arrowheads tickled him at a spot above rib...."
Boïndil Doubleblade: This is such an example of how a scene can be ruined. The actor had given a great performance, but the laughter spoiled everything. Heitz had to start all over again.
The revenge of the dwarves, Prologue, Take 12
(...) "Tungdil!" roared Ingrimmsch expectantly, standing dangerously close to the sphere, so that he could hear its soft hissing, which sounded sometimes brighter and sometimes darker. "Vraccas, do not let my eyes be deceived," he prayed, almost placing a hand against the energy shield; he swallowed, and never had his throat seemed so tight.
Then a pale claw as wide as three castle gates twitched out of the shadows and thrashed against the sphere with all its might, so that there was a dull thud and the ground shook.
With a curse, Ingrimmsch leapt backward and, in a reflex move, struck with the crow's beak. The steel bounced against the barrier without doing anything, then bounced back and shot out of Ingrimmsch's fingers, hitting one of the waiting dwarves in the head....
Boïndil Doubleblade: The guys from the special effects department had made the screen much too soft at first, like rubber, and then something like that can happen. The poor guy who got hit had to be treated for a concussion. You can see what those weapons can do.
The revenge of the dwarves, Prologue, Take 17
(...) Then a dwarf stepped forward, clad from head to toe in gloomy armor of tionium; shimmering inlays glimmered one after another. The creatures backed away from him in awe.
In his right hand he held a weapon that was legend in both the Hidden and the Otherworld: it was black as the blackest shadows, and the blade was slightly longer than a man's arm. On one side it was thicker and had long, thin points reminiscent of a comb, on the other it tapered like a sword.
"Bloodthirsty," Goda murmured and stopped, waving her arm and contorting her face, then she sneezed harshly and the monsters laughed.
Boïndil Doubleblade: Nice example of how bodily functions can mess up a scene.
The revenge of the dwarves, Prologue, Take 18
(...) The dwarf in the night-colored armor put his left hand to the visor of the helmet and wanted to push it up, but.... it did not budge.
Again and again the dwarf tried, but the hinge had jammed, and loud, angry cursing sounded from under the helmet. Finally, the dwarf tap-danced on the spot, intoning the Camelot song by Monty Python, while around him everything burst into laughter and some joined in the dance.
Interviewer: You had a lot of fun with the book set!
Boïndil Doubleblade: Sometimes I do. (grin)
Interviewer: Then thank you for the interview, Mr. Doubleblade, and also for the exclusive insights into the book. I wish you every success with it!
Boïndil Doubleblade (nods): Thank you very much! One can always use it!